Sunday, June 24, 2007

What's Left?

Well seeing as how Spiderman 3 blew, The Fantastic Four was more or less lame, and from what I hear Pirates 3 sucked I have to wonder, what's left? I mean everything I have ever wanted to see on film has actually made it there. Sure they haven't been all that great (Hulk) but I did get to see the Silver Surfer, and a good Batman movie. Transformers is coming out next but without the Dino-bots does it really matter? What about the classic battle between Soundwave and Jam?...Probably not gonna make the big screen. Starscream had better not only be in the movie but also be badass. If Optimus Prime doesn't say, "Autobots Roll Out!" the whole film is forfeit anyway. If Transformers fails what's left? Indiana Jones 4 is so far away it may as well be Star Wars episode VII. The new Batman is a ways off too. So what DO I have to look forward to?
  • There is a live action(by live action I mean computer generated) version of Where The Wild Things Are being made.
  • There is also a new Hulk (please don't suck) starring Ed Norton, Liv Tyler, & Tim Roth as Abomination
  • Sam Jackson has signed onto Iron Man as Nick Fury (Ultimate Avengers style)
  • Speed Racer, show me Chim-Chim
  • Pixar's Wall-E bout some robut who looks and sounds like the poor man's Johnny Five
  • G.I. Joe ok I made this up but a man can dream can't he?

I guess for now I'll have to stick with the DVD collection. Smokey and the Bandit take me away!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Spiderman 3 sucked

What the hell? I tried real hard to like this film but blew. I mean the cafe scene with Parker dancing, Holy shit I wanted to throw my Coke at the screen. I would have too if it hadn't cost $7. There has got to be, I mean GOT TO BE someone out there to stop these shitty things from happening. How can they screen the final product slap each other on the back and say, "What a movie! We've got a hit!" Venom was what I thought would save the film but once I saw his skinny ass I liked my odds of whooping him. Sandman was kick ass til he turned into Weakass storm and even lamer Godzilla sized dolt. How come when Sandman & Venom were in costume their only dialogue was, "Mwaaaaa!" What the fuck they can still talk right? I was upset because with all the cool Spidey chrarcters much better could have been made. If they were smart at all they would nage a story stright from the comic.

Monday, June 18, 2007


It's official I have a blog. I'm not real sure what topics I'll cover or how entertaining of a read it will be but it is a good way for me to burn up a little more precious time. I shall try to update often but with my busy schedule of working, raising dem kids, andcrime fighting it could prove difficult. I hope you enjoy, if noy there is always booze.