Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Single Pro Football Team Seeks Players

Are you old? washed up? no good? will no other team have you? WE WILL! We are the Oakland Raiders where NFL careers go to die. If you have no where to go then why not consider a future with the Raiders? It's the next step before you retire so why not run through the motions in beautiful Oakland California? We'll even set you up in your own locker and you'll get your very own gear once we tear off the "Jamarcus Russell" off of it. You'll meet a slew of former Pro-Bowlers so c'mon down and join the team. Might as well...we couldn't possibly suck any worse.


BO said...

Sounds like someone is not happy with the Culpepper signing. Oh well maybe you will feel better next year when Strahan comes out of retirement to play for you. I don't think he can make those child support payments for long without playing.

JD said...

watch out for my 49ers this year

Anonymous said...

Uh, yea, ok, the 49ers...gotcha.